Although the conservative justices may be content to permit states to gerrymander voters of color out of existence, Sonia Sotomayor doesn’t intend to go softly into that good night.
Kansas' law requiring people to show documentary proof of citizenship when they register to vote is a mess. And when Secretary of State Kris Kobach tried to defend it in court himself, things didn't go well.
Justice Thomas' concurring opinion in Collins v. Virginia makes clear that he is living in a fantasy of his own creation—not the reality where Black people are routinely stripped of their Fourth Amendment rights.
The president is stacking the courts with right-leaning extremists who will languish on the bench for decades, doing their best to strip marginalized people of their civil rights. This should alarm you.
Black women may continue to be discriminated against even though having traditionally Black hairstyles has no bearing on a person’s fitness for a particular job.
The rule outlaws intentional racial discrimination, of course; such a thing is already unconstitutional. But it also outlaws peremptory challenges based on “implicit, institutional, and unconscious” race and ethnic biases.
The prosecution labeled the white prospective jurors as “W” and the Black prospective jurors as “N” and singled out the Black prospective jurors by marking dots in the margins next to their names.