Bridgette Dunlap

Bridgette Dunlap is a lawyer and a scholar whose work centers on public understanding of and access to legal systems. She has been a legal analyst for Rewire, a staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights, and a fellow and adjunct professor at the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice
at Fordham Law School. She is the author of the articles

Anyone Can ‘Think Like a Lawyer’: How the Lawyers’ Monopoly on Legal Understanding Undermines Democracy and the Rule of Law in the United States

(Fordham Law Review),

Protecting the Space to Be Unveiled: Why France’s Full Veil Ban Does not Violate the European Convention on Human Rights

(Fordham International Law Journal), and

The Rule of Law Without Lawyers: American Legal Reformers and the Cambodian Lawyer Shortage

(working paper).