Roundup: Guttmacher Study Proves that, Yes, John Boehner, Family Planning and the Economy Are Linked
During the stimulus debate, male commentators and policymakers from Chris Matthews to John Boehner ridiculed the notion that family planning had anything to do with real issues, like say, the economy. A new Guttmacher study suggests they should be eating their words. Meanwhile, a new "egg-as-person" referendum goes to petition stage in Florida.
Guttmacher study shows effects of recession on childbearing decisions:
During the stimulus debate, male commentators and policymakers from Chris Matthews to John Boehner ridiculed the notion that family planning had anything to do with real issues, like say, the economy.
A new Guttmacher study suggests they should be eating their words or at least adopting a greater degree of humility…..
As Amie Newman reported in-depth yesterday, a new Guttmacher Institute Study shows that women are postponing pregnancy and having fewer children because of the
recession, but just when they need birth control most, many can’t pay
for it.
"The recession has impacted much more than people’s wallets,"
Laura Lindberg, a senior research associate at the Guttmacher
Institute, told U.S. News and World Report. Guttmacher issued its report Wednesday.
especially those that are facing financial difficulties, want to avoid
an unintended pregnancy more than ever, and many of them are having
difficulties affording their contraception to do this," she said.
"Egg-as-Person" Amendment in Florida reaches petition stage:
A proposed state
amendment banning abortions has been accepted by the Secretary of
State’s office, and petition gathering soon will begin, writes Mike Thomas of the Orlando Sentinel.
Here is what it would say on the ballot:
The word "person" and "natural person" apply to all human beings,
irrespective of age, race, health, function, condition of physical
and/or mental dependency and/or disability, or method of reproduction,
from the beginning of biological development of that human being. ”
In other words, writes Thomas:
The minute sperm enters egg, we have a person. One way
birth control pills work is by thinning the womb so if an egg is
fertilized, it will not implant. Some Christians consider this an
abortion.This is a rather extreme interpretation. But these are rather extreme
people. A similar amendment was soundly defeated in Colorado. But
backers are back at it, trying to get it put on the ballot again. And
when it loses again, once assumes they will try a third time and a
fourth time and so on.
He goes on to say:
people say we are a Christian nation and should be governed by
Christian principles, I think of issues like this. Exactly whose
interpretation of Christianity would prevail? An interpretation that
bans birth control and forces raped women to have the babies of their
attackers? Would women be arrested for taking the pill? If a doctor
knew a woman was on the pill, would he be required to report her? What
about women who take the pill for medical reasons other than birth
control?The potential intrusion into privacy is staggering.
Obviously, the amendment would be trumped by Roe v. Wade. But in the
event Roe v. Wade is ever overturned, one assumes this then would be
the law of the land.
Other news:
September 24
Catholic News Agency: Cardinal Mahony says abortion should not be funded by health care bills
Orlando Sentinel: Amendment would ban birth control pill.
U.S. News & World Report: Recession Has Women Rethinking Childbearing Pro-life activists begin 40-day vigil
Seattle PI: Hutchison, Constantine trade barbs over abortion, budgets
Ohio News-Herald: Protesters speak out against abortion
LA Times: Antiabortion black ministers to endorse Obama’s healthcare plan
Guardian: Make greater use of charities for adoptions, councils urged
September 23
State Journal-Register: Planned Parenthood to offer abortion pills
Burnt Orange: Behind the Protest: Why the Anti-Choice Movement is Not About Abortion
Catholic News Agency: Study confirms most Americans want health care change but not abortion funding
BBC News: Award for Poland abortion woman
LifeSiteNews: YouTube Censors Another Pro-Life Video Depicting Funeral of Abortion Victims
The Catholic Spirit: Abortion ultimately undermines respect for all life
Time: No Abortion? No Accident
LifeNews: England Pro-Life Groups: Prosecutor’s Assisted Suicide Guidelines Target Disabled
Opposing Views: Media Once Again Shows Bias Against Pro-Life Religious People
Seattle Times: Hutchison steers clear of abortion rights questions
LifeSiteNews: Law Prof: Pro-Abortion Health Care Overhaul Spells Danger for Catholic Hospitals
U.S. News & World Report: 5 Ways to Save Money on Birth Control in a Tough Economy
Feminists for Choice: Fight Over Abortion Funding Still Dominates Health Care Debate
Feministe: A Real-Time Look at the Impact of the Recession on Women’s Family Planning and Pregnancy Decisions
Ms. Magazine: South Dakota Attorney General Appeals Abortion Ruling
Christian Post: Report: Most States Pursuing Pro-Life Agenda
LifeNews: Minnesota Church’s Pro-Life Memorial Vandalized in Recent Pro-Abortion Attacks
LifeNews: Baucus Changes Health Care Bill, Reduces But Doesn’tEliminate Abortion Concern
LifeNews: Pro-Life Group Says PolitiFact Half Wrong on Abortion Funding in Baucus Bill
AP: Polish magazine fined over anti-abortion piece
Socialist Worker: Keeping Dr. Emily’s open
Austin Post-Bulletin: Blackmun’s daughter relates her story about unplanned pregnancy
WaPo: For Some Women, Recession Means Having Fewer Children
Virtue Online: Pro-Life Advocates Fight Obama
September 22
BeliefNet: How the Republican Posture on Health Care May Now Be Hurting the Pro-Life Cause