VIDEO: All Abortions Should Take Place in the Public Square
Lila Rose suggests that abortions be performed "in the public square."
Thanks to our colleagues at Right Wing Watch for this tidbit from the Values Voter Summit:
Lila Rose–the college student whose claim to fame rests on taking surreptitious videos while posing as a pregnant 13-year old at Planned Parenthood clinics and who has become the darling of the conservative movement–suggested in her speech at the Values Voter Summit in Washington DC this past weekend that, until they are illegal, abortions should be performed "in the public square…..
until we were so sick and tired of seeing them that we would do away with the injustice altogether….maybe then we would hear angels singing when we ponder the glory of conception."
Anti-abortion activist Lila Rose tells the Values Voter Summit audience that abortions ought to be performed in public until they are finally outlawed.