What Else Happened? Tons of Wildfires, Child Care Blueprints, and Tom DeLay—Again
Rewire managing editors Regina Mahone and Kat Jercich explore this week's most important underreported stories: the major natural disaster that's not a hurricane, alarming trends in racial wealth divides, a new entitlement proposal in Congress, and Tom Delay's newest efforts to thwart the Constitution.

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In our first episode, Rewire managing editors Regina Mahone and Kat Jercich explore some of this week’s most important underreported stories: the major natural disaster that’s not a hurricane, alarming trends in racial wealth divides, and Tom DeLay’s newest efforts to thwart the Constitution. Also, Regina interviews journalist Bryce Covert on an important new entitlement proposal in Congress, and someone famous gave Kat so much joy it brought her to tears. All of this and more is available now in your new favorite weekend news companion, What Else Happened?
Recommended Reading:
Progressive Approach to Child-Care Crisis Could Go Even Bigger, by Bryce Covert
Anti-Choice Lobbyists Reportedly Press White House for GOP’s Total Abortion Ban, by Christine Grimaldi