Make an Investment in 2017: Support Independent Journalism
Your donation to Rewire supports high-quality regional and state-level reporting, time-consuming but essential research, and our growing multimedia department.

Dear friends,
You are getting bombarded with year-end requests for donations. That much I know.
And there are many, many competing needs for funding. This I also know.
But as each of us decides where to invest our donation dollars, I nonetheless hope you will consider a donation to Rewire.
I can promise you any and all contributions will go directly toward evidence-based reporting, analysis, and commentary from our amazing staff.
Here are just a few examples of where your dollars will go:
You will be supporting a growing team of state and regional reporters who live and work in the places and are connected to the communities on which they report. This also includes monitoring goings-on in Congress and the White House. Next year, we will be increasingly focused on stories others are not reporting to ensure that our readers are informed and that other media pay attention to what is really happening on the ground.
You will be supporting beat reporters such as Tina Vasquez, our immigration reporter, and Audi Guha, our race and justice reporter. Each of them will be digging deep to bring sophisticated, in-depth, and in-the-moment reporting on issues like how the new administration affects the health and rights of immigrant women; attacks on immigrants and people of color; detention centers; the Flint water crisis; and the growing resistance of so many organizations and individuals who have vowed to fight against bigotry and for the rights of all people. With sufficient funding, we hope to add capacity to do in-depth reporting in areas such as the Appalachian region and various key states.
You will be supporting efforts by our legal team to track and report on court decisions, laws, and regulations affecting the lives of everyone.
You will be supporting efforts by our investigations and research team to look into who is funding hatred and through what means; who is seeking to undermine access to abortion and other critical forms of health care; and who is spreading lies about evidence-based health care, health-care providers, immigrants, LGBTQ people, Muslims, and other vulnerable populations. Our team works hard every day to bring information to light, often through arduous Freedom of Information Act requests. They pore over court documents, testimony, financial filings, and campaign finance records, tracing the ways groups may try to conceal their connections. They attend conferences and meetings held by right-wing groups to learn firsthand what is being planned and who is at the forefront of these efforts. This work is expensive and time-consuming, and your dollars go directly toward supporting it.
Your contributions will go toward our growing multimedia effort to provide high-quality and original podcasting and videos, to bring more art and comics to our site in 2017, and to create documentaries that tell in-depth stories.
Your contributions also go toward supporting an amazing editorial, social media, and communications staff, all of whom are essential to the high quality of our work. And those dollars also support the technology and financial staff who keep our site running and our audits clean as a whistle year after year.
Each and every dollar we raise goes toward excellent reporting and growing a vibrant news organization. We are working hard to bring you the best we can every day. We hope you will consider a contribution to Rewire as you make decisions about the allocation of your donations at the end of 2016.
Thank you from all of us,
Jodi and the Rewire team