Giving Thanks and Making Commitments
Each year at Thanksgiving, I take time to remember all that I have to be thankful for, but also all the things about which I feel a personal need to remain vigilant.
Each year at Thanksgiving, I take time to remember all that I have to be thankful for, but also all the things about which I feel a personal need to remain vigilant. Being thankful is in many ways an exercise in privilege and comfort: I have a home, two healthy children, a job I love, and many, many close friends and colleagues whose work and commitment inspires me every day. I have good health and I have health insurance. I work in a field that has deep meaning for me. And I am deeply thankful—deeply grateful—for all of this and more.
More than at any other time of the year, and in the spirit of “to whom much is given, much is expected,” Thanksgiving for me is also a time to realize and reinforce my personal resolution to myself and to others. We can’t give thanks without acknowledging the external conditions that enable some of us to realize our own bounties, and without acknowledging the forces that exist to deny others those opportunities. We can’t truly give thanks without renewing our personal and communal commitments to the ongoing work of ensuring that every individual enjoys basic human rights from the time they are born throughout their lives; that every person is afforded the opportunities to succeed, however they define success; and that we each take responsibility for ending the devastation and destruction of the planet on which all life depends.
So today, I would like to do several things. First, to give thanks to the many people to whom I am grateful.
I am grateful to all of our readers and followers for their loyalty and their dedication in pushing us to continue working to be the best we can be. It is with your help that our audience has grown nearly 25 percent annually for three years in a row, helping us reach roughly eight million unique yearly readers and growing.
I am incredibly grateful to our staff, a team that includes editors, writers, and communications, fundraising, technology, financial, and administrative professionals who bring their very best to our work each and every day. I am grateful for our newest staff members, about whom you can read here. A special shout-out is warranted to the three people who have made up our core editorial team this year, Regina Mahone, Kat Jercich, and Denny Carter, each of whom works with unwavering dedication to ensure the high quality of content we produce every day.
I am deeply grateful to our financial supporters, from the largest foundations to the people who contribute $10 to our work whenever they are able. Every single one of you assists us to deliver the best possible news, analysis, commentary, and investigative reporting we can. There is no question that a free, fair, and accountable press is in danger in the United States, and with your support we have fought and will continue to fight to deliver to you independent journalism on reproductive and sexual justice, health, rights, and freedom.
I am grateful to and supported by a wonderful board of directors, all of them incredibly busy professionals who have nonetheless provided a great deal of time and energy to helping Rewire succeed.
I am awestruck and inspired every day by the people in the various communities with which I have the privilege to work, and who have helped me in countless ways.
These include the brave, brave providers of reproductive and sexual care, including independent abortion providers, staffers of Planned Parenthood, doctors, nurses, doulas, midwives, and many others who work to support and respond to the medical needs of people throughout this country, even as they remain the focus of relentless attacks and sometimes outright violence at the hands of those who want to strip people of essential health care, including but not limited to abortion care.
They also include the brilliant, dedicated members of the progressive community—far too many to count or to name—who wake up every day to fight for voting rights, environmental security, living wages, health insurance, health care, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, consumer rights, and prisoners’ rights; who fight for the rights of people of color, immigrants, undocumented persons, people with disabilities, children, and all those living in poverty; who seek to ensure that people are counted as people and corporations are held accountable legally and economically; who advance freedom of speech, freedom of association, and all the rights we enjoy but so often take for granted. These are people to whom I know I can turn at a moment’s notice for help and advice and get it without question.
Thank you all so much. You have all given me much, and I can only hope to give back a portion. In this way and others, I am so privileged.
Next, I will offer back these commitments on behalf of myself and my colleagues.
We will continue to work every day to deliver the best possible news, analysis, commentary, and investigative reporting on reproductive and sexual health, rights, and justice, because we owe that to our readers and supporters and to ourselves. As part of this commitment, we are working on big changes to our platform, a whole new site and new name, to be unveiled in March 2016, including expanded capabilities and tools. We are so excited about this, we can hardly wait!
We will work to ensure reporting on access to safe abortion care and reproductive health, and expand as well our reporting on politics and politicians, campaigns and candidates, laws, policies, and court cases. We will report on progress toward or threats to the goals of ensuring all persons have access to health care, educational opportunities, and the chance to prosper. We will report on the work of the Black Lives Matter movement, on the treatment of refugees and immigrants, and the treatment of all people needing reproductive health care. And we will continue a tradition of being self-critical to ensure that we are always doing the best we can, and improving where we need to.
And finally, we reaffirm our commitment to your comments and critiques, and to ensuring internal and external accountability to the principles that underlie our work.
Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving!