A New Era for Rewire and a Farewell to Lauren Kelley
As Rewire says goodbye to our managing editor, Lauren Kelley, who has accepted a position at RollingStone.com, we also have some exciting news to share about the future of Rewire.

For the past two-plus years, Rewire has been honored and delighted to have Lauren Kelley as our managing editor. Lauren’s tenure at Rewire has been key to what we can only describe as explosive growth in both readership and visibility. Under Lauren’s guidance, we have established a strong team of editors, a roster of incredible staff reporters, and a vibrant relationship with a growing number of freelance writers and reporters. We’ve published breaking news, analysis, and numerous investigative stories. Having Lauren on board also allowed me to focus on building the institutional foundation and base of funding needed to build Rewire for the long term. Together with others, Lauren contributed greatly to the platforms internally and externally that will serve us for some time to come.
Recently Lauren was offered and accepted a position as senior editor at RollingStone.com. While we are sorry to lose her, we are delighted to see Rewireers expand into other areas and take high-quality social and reproductive justice thinking to other publications. We wish her good speed in her next endeavor and look forward to working with her in a new way.
Meanwhile, Rewire itself has some exciting news to share. We will soon embark upon a rebranding and redesign effort that will result in a new name and a whole new look. As part of this process, we will engage as many of our readers and followers as we can to help shape the vision. While the size of our readership precludes us from involving everyone, we will reach out to representative samples of readers, and to key stakeholders for input. We hope to unveil the new name and new look by January 2016.
In the meantime, we will continue to push forward producing high quality work. We have a very exciting strategy for election coverage, several investigative projects in the works, and plans to dig deeper into state-level reporting with innovative strategies.
We are very excited about the future of Rewire, and hope you are as well. Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support and your commitment to evidence-based news, analysis, commentary, and investigative research.