Forget Employers Refusing to Cover Contraception. Arizona Bill Would Allow Them to Fire You For Using It
You know that fight over birth control coverage in your insurance plan? It's the least of your worries, if you live in Arizona. A bill would allow employers to interrogate their female employees about their sexual practices and fire them for using contraception.
You know that fight over birth control coverage in your insurance plan?
It’s the least of your worries, if you live in Arizona.
Now, according to Angry Black Lady, “Some nutbag in Arizona — a woman, no less — authored a bill that would allow employers to interrogate their female employees about their sexual practices.”
Arizona House Bill 2625, authored by Majority Whip Debbie Lesko, R-Glendale, would permit employers to ask their employees for proof of medical prescription if they seek contraceptives for non-reproductive purposes, such as hormone control or acne treatment.
You see, writes ABL “if a female employee seeks a medical prescription for contraception, an employer will be permitted to ask that employee for proof that she doesn’t plan to use the contraception for slutty fuck-making. Using it for medical reasons is ok — that’s medicine.”
So, if you’re one of those women who uses slutpills for non-slutty reasons, then you’re ok. You’ll get to keep your job. Enjoy your ovarian cancer or your acne or whatever, but make sure you put that red cover on your TPS reports or the boss’ll have your head.
But if you’re running around like some sort of whore-nympho, then you better keep that shit on the down-low, because if The Man finds out you might-could get fired:
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 Monday to endorse a controversial bill that would allow Arizona employers the right to deny health insurance coverage for contraceptives based on religious objections.
You must read the rest here.