Another $1 Million Anti-Choice Campaign? Susan B. Anthony List Targets Key Dems
Despite being embroiled in a lawsuit in Ohio for false advertising, the anti-choice Susan B. Anthony List continues using the false charge of "taxpayer-funded abortion" to attempt to sway millions of voters.
It seems like there are a lot of million dollar anti-choice campaigns magically appearing these days. Robin Marty just wrote yesterday about Gary Bauer’s anti-choice “Campaign for Working Families” targeting a host of pro-choice Senatorial candidates for defeat. In fact, Robin has noticed the striking similiarity between a whole host of anti-choice groups target lists over the last week or more now, including Americans United for Life. Now it’s the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA) delivering their anti-choice agenda directly to over two million voters’ mailboxes, as they target 42 Democrats for their records on reproductive rights.
From the Washington Post today,
The pamphlets, which feature photographs of a sleeping baby juxtaposed against close-ups of the targeted lawmaker, President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, equate a vote for the health care law with support for taxpayer-financed abortion. [emphasis added]
The law walled off federal money from paying for the procedure, and an executive order Obama signed earlier this year affirmed long-standing restrictions on taxpayer-financed abortion, but activists on the issue argue that neither is sufficient.
What’s especially striking about the pamphlets is that SBA appears to continue to use the “taxpayer-financed abortion” language which recently led them into trouble in Ohio. The Ohio Election Commission ruled against them last week when Rep. Steve Driehaus charged that the group was engaging in false advertising when they repeated the claim that Driehaus voted in favor of “taxpayer-funded abortion” when voting for the health care reform bill. The claim made by SBA is false: The Hyde Amendment bars federal funds from going towards abortion care.
Though the group has run TV and radio spots targeting both House and Senate candidates in California, Nevada and Ohio, among other states, the mail campaign, notes the Washington Post:
“is far broader, targeting some of the most vulnerable Democrats like Reps. Suzanne Kosmas of Florida, Debbie Halvorson of Illinois and Dina Titus of Nevada, as well as some only recently considered potentially at risk such as Arizona’s Raul Grijalva, Colorado’s John Salazar and Wisconsin’s Ron Kind.”