Protest “” in NYC this coming Saturday promotes an aura of shame and guilt around abortion and contributes to the lie that to have an abortion is to murder a baby. This comes in the guise of concern for women and providing emotional support for them. The anti-abortion agenda of these ads has been exposed in a New York Times article, which points out that the site directs people to pro-life groups with the Catholic Church and the site’s founder has collaborated with Feminists for Life.
Saturday April 17th
Protest “”
& its anti-abortion, anti-woman message
in the New York City subways
Speak out for Abortion Rights
and Women’s Liberation! promotes an aura of shame and guilt around abortion and contributes to the lie that to have an abortion is to murder a baby. This comes in the guise of concern for women and providing emotional support for them. The anti-abortion agenda of these ads has been exposed in a New York Times article, which points out that the site directs people to pro-life groups with the Catholic Church and the site’s founder has collaborated with Feminists for Life.
Our response:
“forced childbearing changes you”
Abortion on demand and without apology!
Join us April 17th to break the silence and shame and declare that women are human beings, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with abortion!
A fetus is NOT a baby!
Women are NOT Incubators!
Abortion is NOT Murder!
Meet at 2pm near the subway entrance – SW corner of Union Sq. Make your own pro-abortion/pro-choice ad and we’ll spread our message through the subway, stopping at Columbia University, in Harlem and Williamsburg
From organizers for “From the Burkha to the Thong, Everything Must, and Can, Change– WE NEED TOTAL REVOLUTION!” — a national campus speaking tour by Sunsara Taylor
Contact: [email protected]