American Life League Revves Up for 2010 Activism Week & Personhood Conference
ALL is hosting its annual week of training and conference in January to address things like "decriminalized" abortion and issues surrounding personhood!
The American Life League’s (ALL) Training & Activism Week is all set for January 20-23, 2010! Yay!
From the event’s Facebook page:
This year we are bringing together an amazing group of pro-life
activists and speakers who will entertain, inspire and equip you with
the tools you need to ensure that all human beings are respected and
protected by law from the beginning of their biological development.
The promo video promises "No compromises!" as it demands "Personhood Now!" Whose personhood, you ask? Silly you. It’s clearly unrelated to the "personhood" of women. It’s not even about the "personhood" of a zygote, embryo or fetus growing inside of a woman. It’s about the "personhood" of a religious movement that will stop at nothing less than the utter co-opting of women’s bodies and lives.
Is it strange that most of the video sports black and white visuals? Seems a fitting theme for a movement that can’t help but see everything in those terms, anyway.
Finally, you’ve got to love a movement that isn’t even able to acknowledge that abortion is legal. Nope. Instead, the video screams, we’ve had 37 years of "decriminalized abortion!" According to the anti-choice movement, abortion isn’t legal, it’s simply de-criminalized. Small distinction? Not really. Abortion, under specific conditions, is a sanctioned and legally valid option in this country – it is not simply that we have removed penalties for abortion. It is that we have authorized abortion care, legally.
Nice try though!
If you’d like to RSVP for this event, go right ahead.