eBay Removes Auction Item Extolling Violence
Today, eBay removed the listing for a bible signed by radical anti-choice extremists and put up for auction as a means of raising funds for the "justifiable homicide" defense of Scott Roeder, the man charged with murdering Dr. George Tiller in the vestibule of his church in May.
Today, eBay removed the listing for a bible signed by radical anti-choice extremists and put up for auction as a means of raising funds for the “justifiable homicide” defense of Scott Roeder, the man charged with murdering Dr. George Tiller in the vestibule of his church in May.
eBay had earlier said that it would not allow the posting for auction of items associated with the defense of someone charged with or convicted of a crime, but the items appeared on eBay last night and this morning.
The description of the bible in the eBay listing made numerous references to reasons for justification of violence.
Another item listed was a “catechism” booklet signed by leaders of the Army of God, which openly calls for violence against women’s health care providers and which celebrated the murder of Dr. Tiller.
Rewire reported on these developments throughout the day and initiated a Twitter campaign calling on eBay to remove the items.