Roundup: The Obama Administration: For the Public Option Before They Were Against It… Sort Of?
While the public wants a public option, and while the President-as-candidate campaigned on the promise of at least something akin to a public option, the Administration has, from day one of the health care reform process, done just about everything it could to say they are "for" a public option "kinda sorta" but "it's not the defining piece" of health reform. Huh?
Who stole the Change-Agents?
Can someone on the Obama Administration please make a decision about whether they are for or against the public option? While the public wants a public option, and while the President-as-candidate campaigned on the promise of at least something akin to a public option, the Administration has, from day one of the health care reform process, done just about everything it could to say they are "for" a public option "kinda sorta" but "it’s not the defining piece" of health reform (so….it’s not important??? To me this is like saying that water is not the defining factor in putting out a fire). This weekend, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel (as reported by Alternet) as well as other notables took the weekend talk shows to say so.
Is this leadership? I thought smart negotiators kept their cards close, pushed as hard as they could for what they wanted and only made the deal after they got as far as they could. Instead, the Administration keeps signaling to everyone and their great-grandmother that they won’t stand firm on a public option cause it really ain’t that important. I want to play poker with these guys cause it appears it might be easy to clean up.
Lawmakers in Michigan Push for Sex Education in Schools
Some form of leadership is evident today in Michigan at least, where lawmakers are pushing to require sex education in schools. reports today that:
Proposed legislation from the state would require districts to set up a sex education advisory board and train employees.
would have to provide factual and medically accurate information that
is age-appropriate at all grade levels. Topics would include family
planning, human sexuality and the emotional, physical, psychological,
hygienic, economic and socials aspects of family life.Currently, sex education is optional curriculum that any district can choose to offer.
The push for sex ed comes in response to high rates of unintended pregnancy among teens. Since 2006, Michigan has had four percent increase in births for 15 to 19 year olds, according to Michigan NOW.
Parents who advocate abstinence-only curriculum would be able to opt out of any sex education classes under the proposed law.
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Unveiling the evils of contraception The Cincinnati Enquirer
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That Limit Themselves to One Child CNSNews
Abortion rates falling Jamaica Observer
The Nobel Prize for Good Intentions Catholic Exchange
Going Green Means Having Fewer Kids AlterNet
Speaker addresses population concerns St. Cloud Times
Inmate-abortion fight continues Arizona Republic
Lawsuit challenges Illinois’ parental notification law for abortions Chicago Tribune
Abortion, Health Care, Biden, Stem Cell Research, 40 Days for Life, More Pro-Life News
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China calls for efforts to resolve reproductive health issues Daily Times
October 18th, 2009
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We are the real pro-Americans Telegraph Blogs
China calls for more efforts in reproductive health China Daily
Pro-life leader calls health care proposals a ‘radical departure’ from current abortion policy Catholic News Agency
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Daily News
Does taking control mean taking life? News Journal
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Stepping Up the Pressure: The Archbishop Comes to the Abortion Clinic
Catholics and Muslims defend life against abortion law in Indonesia
Catholic News Agency
A teen perspective on abstinence-only education
Feminists for Choice
Confidentiality fear over late abortion data Guardian UK
October 17th, 2009
The Pill helps women Bakersfield Californian
Can you imagine a pro-life crowd like this in the U.S.? The Deacon’s Bench
Anti-abortion spokesman: Arrival of abortion pill should not be taken lightly The State Journal-Register
Abstinence-only still being taught despite high pregnancy rates The Monitor
Marchers in Spain Protest Effort to Ease Abortion Law New York Times
There must be a public debate on late abortions Telegraph UK
October 16th, 2009
Latest anti-choice ad: A talking fetus Sacramento News & Review
Hispanic Pro-lifer Assaulted in Fresno, California NewsBusters
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UC Gets Grant To Improve Female Condom WLWT Cincinnati
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October 15th, 2009
Calling The Pro-Lifers’ Bluff On Contraception The Atlantic