I Am Not A Pre-Existing Condition

Is the fact that women experience discrimination in regards to health insurance coverage even debatable at this point? It is critical at this point that health reform discussions must address the health issues that disproportionately affect women in this country. 

Is the fact that women experience discrimination in regards to health insurance coverage even debatable at this point? It is critical that health reform discussions address the health issues that disproportionately affect women in this country. Whether we’re discussing a public option or more equitable private coverage, women’s health must be front and center. The Service Employees International Union has done extensive research, promoted actions and continues to raise awareness around these issues so special gratitude is due to SEIU for the facts and figures below.

Did you know?

  • Only 14 states require insurance companies to cover maternity care
  • Only 12% of individual insurance plans include comprehensive maternity coverage
  • Insurance companies can consider prior cesarean sections as a "pre-existing condition" and deny a woman coverage for childbirth. Additionally, in Florida for example, women who have had c-sections are charged 25% more in premiums if they want to retain their health insurance coverage of birth.
  • In Illinois, according to a Chicago Sun-Times article on 6/26/07, a woman’s emergency c-section (much to her physician’s consternation) was denied coverage by BlueCross BlueShield.
  • For that matter, pregnancy itself is often considered a "pre-existing condition" by insurance company, therefore a reason to deny coverage. According to a 2008 study conducted by the National Women’s Law Center, "The vast majority of individuals market health policies that NWLC found do not cover maternity care at all. Even if a woman is not currently pregnant, it is unlikely that an insurer will provide or even offer maternity benefits as part of her regular insurance policy."
  • Victim of domestic violence? As the SEIU flyer says, in eight states and Washington DC it is legal for insurance companies to deny health coverage to victims of domestic violence. In fact, when the vote to ensure coverage for individuals in this situation came to the floor of the Senate in 2006 (through a proposed bill by Washington state Senator Patty Murray), ten Republicans voted against it, killing the bill.
  • In 2007, Senate Republicans voted to override regulations requiring insurance companies to cover mammograms in more than 20 states. The year prior, ten Republicans voted against requiring insurance companies to cover mammograms.

For the above reasons and so many more, advocates, bloggers, and activists have come together to create an awareness campaign, "I Am Not A Pre-Existing Condition" and demand stronger reform on these issues. What follows is a round-up of some of the posts written thus far. If you’d like to start off by joining the campaign, sign the petition to ensure that health reform measures address gender discrimination and tweet away!

Also, if you do have a twitter account, consider changing your avatar (your profile picture) to the image created by the National Women’s Law Center and support change.

Special thanks to Tracy Viselli for these links and for the excellent round-up work done on this issue!

‘I Am Not A Pre-Existing Condition’ Round-Up of Posts


Being A Woman Is Not A Pre-Existing Condition

Being Pregnant an "unhealthy lifestyle choice"

Breastfeeding infant labeled obese, denied health insurance
*Update – the insurance company reversed its ban citing the fact that babies who are "fat but healthy" will be covered. Seriously.

Women Senators Show Their Male Colleagues What It Means to Have Cojones

VIDEO: Congresswoman Gwen Moore says, "If you’re fortunate enough as a woman to have
insurance, you’re going to pay 68% more of it. Why? Because you
have a pre-existing condition: you’re an actual, former, or potential,
mother. I don’t know how you escape those statistics."

Larry King Live: More Democratic Senators’ appearances (VIDEO)

Speaker Pelosi: Did You Know That Having Had A Pregnancy Is A “Pre-Existing” Medical Condition?

Women and Insurance: Paying More, Getting Less

Abused then denied care: 8 states allow practice Some insurers say victims of domestic violence are too high risk to cover

Emily’s List Alums Join Speaker Pelos to Promote Health Care Reform

Democratic Women Senators Unite Behind Health Care Reform

violence is a "pre-existing condition"?

Senators Vetoed Insurance Protection for Domestic Violence Victims

Kucinich has opportunity to question insurance

witnesses speak out against denial of coverage for victims of domestic violence: VIDEO

of insurance industry’s money-making plan: Denying coverage to victims of
spousal abuse

Companies Consider C-section Birth "Pre-Existing Condition"

Watson questions insurance execs on why domestic violence is a pre-existing

Obama joins Echo Chamber on Domestic Violence as a "Pre-Existing

vs. insurance companies

Don’t look to your insurance company for help

Senators stand up for women’s health care rights

show Republicans just don’t get it (but we already knew that)

Female Senators talk women’s health care

Congressmen back to school

health care in the news

Pelosi speaks out against "domestic violence as a pre-existing
condition": VIDEO
Video of Speaker Pelosi talking about the need to fix DV pre-existing condition

violence is STILL a pre-existing condition

Is There Gender Disparity in Health Insurance? Read what girls have to say at New Moon Magazine!