Abstinence for All?
Of course Bristol Palin is pro-abstinence. She got pregnant, and now her son if four months old. And she realizes that if she hadn't had sex, she wouldn't have to deal with this.
Of course Bristol Palin is pro-abstinence. She got pregnant, and now her son if four months old. And she realizes that if she didn’t have sex, she wouldn’t have to deal with this.
She says that her comments that she was too young to have a baby were taken out of context. She also says that her comments, that abstinence is not a realistic solution, was taken out of context.
How can this to be taken out of context? No matter what your upbringing, expecting that you won’t have sex out of wedlock in unrealistic. Teens are curious and, at the risk of sounding repetative, sex is a natural way for anyone to experiment with their bodies and their feelings. To expect that teens won’t have the same urges as adults is ludicrous. As far as I can tell from the lifestyle of me and my friends, sexual activity is perfectly normal. To be a teen is to already feel uncomfortable. Why make a teen feel more marginalized than they already do?
I can’t say I remember coherently what it’s like to be sexually confused, but I do remember just how hard it is try and fit in when I was under 20. In
order to have teens end up as have adults who are comfortable with their sexuality, we need comprehensive sexuality education, and there needs to be
the acknowledgement that sexual activity during your teen year is, if
not beneficial, at least normal. We need to explain to teens that
testing sexual feelings is, if not a normal expression of emotion, at
least normal experimentation.
We need to explain to teens that exacerbation of sexual feelings is, if not a normal exacerbation of feeling, at least a normal experiment.