Documentary Film: The Motherhood Manifesto

According to The New York Times, "Mom's Mad. And She's Organized." Yesterday's article is about, a motherhood advocacy organization that made a documentary film about motherhood in America (watch the preview below). The organization is raising consciousness about pay, equity and work-family balance—framing them as economic and family issues "which resonate for a younger generation of women" (who apparently think feminism is a bad word).

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According to The New York Times, "Mom's Mad. And She's Organized." Yesterday's article is about, a motherhood advocacy organization that made a documentary film about motherhood in America (watch the preview below). The organization is raising consciousness about pay, equity and work-family balance—framing them as economic and family issues "which resonate for a younger generation of women" (who apparently think feminism is a bad word).'s core issues (M.O.T.H.E.R.) are taken from the book, The Motherhood Manifesto:

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave
  • Open Flexible Work
  • TV We Choose and Other After-School Programs
  • Healthcare for All Kids
  • Excellent Childcare
  • Realistic and Fair Wages

It's great to see grassroots mobilizing on such important issues that are essential to reproductive and maternal health. After all, when a woman chooses when and whether to have children, an important part of that discussion is about opportunities and abilities to support the child and family (in terms of healthcare, economics, childcare, etc.) and to parent with dignity.

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