State-level legislation banning so-called conversion therapy could "protect tens of thousands of teens," said Christy Mallory, state and local policy director at the Williams Institute.
Our history is marred by examples of contraceptive coercion. Family planning programs and research can counter that history by changing how we define our goals and success.
An Australian study finds that some users of PrEP may be lulled into going condom-less. And a tiny animal from Down Under has a lot of sex, but no happy ending.
We believe it weakens religious freedom when it is invoked in ways that deprive people of their civil and human rights to equal protection under the law, or seek to justify exclusion and discrimination.
Several states will wrap up their legislative sessions by the end of the month—but anti-choice lawmakers haven't given up quite yet on measures to restrict reproductive rights.
Recent campaigns have shined a light on the needs of incarcerated Black women. Often misunderstood by the general public is how the criminal legal system exerts reproductive control in direct and indirect ways.