Today, there are over 200 million women in the developing world who want to prevent or delay pregnancy, but are not using any means of modern contraception. But the greatest tragedy is that this figure has not budged in nearly two decades.
Part Two of the reveiw of the documentary, Let’s Talk About Sex, has some of the advice parents might need to at least begin conversations about sex with their children and teens.
While some had hoped this weekend's meeting would build on recent comments about condoms from the pope, Vatican officials toed the line and emphasized chastity and behavior change.
In their zeal to attack Planned Parenthood, anti-choice activists pretend Planned Parenthood offered abortions to tornado victims, then scrubbed the article.
Of course, you are all like George. You care for women regardless of the personal risks, the political climate, the increasing number of restrictions and regulations and pure harassment that you and your patients endure.
The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines adds their support to a bill meant to stop the new reproductive health bill being considered in the country.