Today, a CDC advisory committee recommended that the HPV vaccine become a routine part of health care for 11-year-old boys as well as girls. Public and political reaction to this could serve as an interesting gauge of our double standard when it comes to adolescents and sex.
It will take our collective knowledge, experience, energy and expertise to hold governments accountable for their roles in violating women’s and girls’ rights to health.
In Nicaragua, after a total ban on abortion was passed, a woman with an ectopic pregnancy was allowed to languis in a hospital, waiting for her fallopian tube to rupture before a doctor agreed to operate even though there was no doubt regarding the outcome of her pregnancy. This is the world that Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) would like to bring to America with the passage of H.R. 358, the Let Women Die Act of 2011.
Three news segments this week: Mitt Romney and the confusing story of banning the birth control pill, Rick Santorum is not confused about his hatred of contraception, and Herman Cain doesn't know what to think about abortion rights.
If you're worried in advance about pain with sex that involves vaginal entry and thinking about taking a painkiller, think twice. There are sounder ways to avoid sexual pain and experience pleasure that honor your body rather than numbing it out.
Restrictions on abortions just don’t work. This is the predictable, yet bold, conclusion of a report to be presented at the United Nations on Monday by a UN-appointed independent expert on health.
An op-ed in today’s New York Times preys on parents fears about sex ed but a closer look shows that it is not as much about sexuality education as it is an overt example of how far the socially conservative agenda is pervading all aspects of our culture.