
A Young Doctor’s Response to President Obama’s Plan B Failure: Where Is the Scientific Integrity?

Experts, who we count on for guidance and sound evidence-based medicine, have repeatedly shown Plan B to be not only extremely effective, but incredibly safe. Although the experts in the FDA agreed with the well-researched and well-presented data on Plan B, Secretary Sebelius and President Obama chose to ignore their expertise and base their decision on politics, not science.

“Dr.” Sebelius’s Bitter Pill: A Case of National Malpractice

"Dr." Kathleen Sebelius prescribed us a bitter pill when she ignored overwhelming evidence on the safety and effectiveness of emergency contraception to prohibit its sale over-the-counter.  Is this change we can believe in?  It’s certainly not a “common sense” solution. President Obama and Secretary Sebelius should listen to real doctors and the FDA Commissioner, and make this decision based on science, not politics.

After the EC Decision, A Lifelong, Third Generation Democrat Wonders Where She Belongs

Today’s news about our own Kathleen Sebelius’ overruling the FDA on EC for youth in need of pregnancy prevention is cause for a second continuous day for disappointment.  This act serves as one more nail in the women’s rights coffin… jointly constructed by the Republican AND Democratic Party.  As a lifelong, 3rd generation Democrat, I feel like a red-headed stepchild born of two blond parents, slightly out of place and wondering to whom I really belong.