At the most basic level, human rights are not dependent on who "deserves" them: we have a right to access to abortion, health care, work, and freedom and movement because we are humans, not because we deserve it.
The Republicans seem to think they can erase the past four months and their “war on women,” but if history is any guide, this is wishful thinking. In fact, the historical record suggests we may be witnessing a reawakening of the reproductive rights movement.
Last March, a landmark maternal health petition was filed in Uganda, aimed at holding the government accountable for the deaths of two women in childbirth. It garnered global media attention at the time, yet five months into the process momentum has stalled. When will it be time to women to take the front seat?
For something we see and experience day in and day out, masculinity sure is a tricky business. In a collection of essays that span various countries and cultures, Global Masculinities and Manhood considers how communities around the world have been shaped by what it means to "be a man" -- and rebel against unhealthy gender expectations in order to make change.
Oklahoma is on the verge of becoming the first state to pass a “personhood” bill. The state Senate has already passed the bill and the House is expected to pass the legislation as early as today.
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the latest teen birth rates which found that fewer babies were born to teen mothers in 2010 than in any year since 1946.
Just as we have sexual harassment laws to protect employees from inappropriate behavior by employers, we need rules to protect students. And the news from across the country this week confirms this.