Dannenfelser explains to the Washington Post how, by calling it all "abortion providing" they've managed to get lawmakers to turn on family planning funding.
Peru has made major strides in recent years in regards to development, with strong economic growth and low inflation. Despite these achievements, among Peru’s more than 29 million inhabitants, great disparities persist: 54% of Peru’s population still lives in poverty, and the UNDP estimates that among those living in poverty, 19% survive on less than USD $1 a day.
STIs affect people of all races, ages, and sexual orientations, though some individuals experience greater challenges in protecting their health. When individual risk behaviors are combined with barriers to quality health information and STI prevention services, the risk of infection increases. Increasing access to testing is key.
In this week's sexual health roundup: a series of essays address debates over what really leads to female orgasms; bicycles seats may be bad for women's sexual health; and a new websites gears sexual health information to grandma.
The past week had a lot of conservative posturing about the importance of motherhood. But if you look at their policy ideas -- especially around reproductive rights -- you'll realize they don't think much of motherhood after all.