It is easy to overlook seniors when we see the dire numbers around STIs and teens, yet we remain at risk for sexually transmitted infections as we age.
Coming from the public health perspective, it isn’t a fun job to notify someone about their exposure to an STD, but it is fulfilling to know that you have helped keep someone healthy. So the next time the phone rings, keep in mind, it may not be the call you want, but it may be the call you get and it will help protect you.
Weekly global repro roundup: Foreign Policy's "Sex Issue" has hits and misses; Uzbek Government is accused of "sterilization quotas"; women and girls in UK still vulnerable to female genital cutting; Muslim women in India envision a new marriage law.
Levi Johnston, infamous for his association with former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol, and his now-girlfriend Sunny are expecting a child together and have informed the press that the pregnancy was unplanned. Instead of mocking Levi’s many adventures in contraceptive use (or lack thereof), let’s have a serious discussion about how to expand access and adherence to the various methods that are available to those who do not wish to become pregnant.
With all due respect to the late President Bingu, his death opened a rare window for reform Malawi, and golden opportunity – especially for Malawi’s women. Joyce Banda is a widely respected and heralded champion for women’s rights and health, and has never been shy to speak her mind about it.