
In HIV Prevention, Protect the Mothers: A Message to the World Health Assembly 2012

It is critical that the barriers facing women in relation to accessing supportive peri-natal services are fully understood and addressed including structural drivers such as poverty, gender-based violence from partners, in-laws and neighbours, and property and inheritance rights loss. If we do not address these issues, we can not "save the babies."

Sexual Health Roundup: Psychiatrist Apologizes for Study on Reparative Therapy, CDC Wants to Test Boomers for Hep-C

Sexual Health Round-up: A renowned psychiatrist who is paradoxically responsible for both the biggest advance in gay rights and one of the studies most often used to deny these rights apologizes to the gay community; CDC recommends that everyone ages 47 to 67 be tested for Hep-C; and a new study warns that young men who abuse Viagra (and its cousins) are less satisfied with their sex lives.