We, members of the Notre Dame community, wish to express our disagreement with the university’s decision to file a lawsuit contesting the Health and Human Services mandate that requires employee health insurance plans to provide no-cost birth control coverage to employees.
Yesterday in a packed auditorium at the Texas Department of State Health Services, legislators, doctors and other supporters of Planned Parenthood gathered to speak out--sometimes through tears--against proposed rules that would bar Planned Parenthood from participating in the state's Women's Health Program.
When Rep. Todd Akin recently brought the phrase “legitimate rape” into political discourse, I was simply stunned. Yet his horrifying and dangerously ignorant assertion is, even after all these years, merely a bald-faced acknowledgment of what our rape culture has allowed to exist: the idea that women are only rarely “rape-raped.”
This week's sexual health roundup is all about pornography: city officials in Los Angeles try to figure out how to regulate condom use on porn sets just as filming shuts down because of a syphilis outbreak and business and marketers in many segments jump on Fifty Shades bandwagon.