Contraception access is an economic issue. Fox News almost tells the truth about emergency contraception and then goes back to lying and Bill O’Reilly seriously has a problem with outspoken women.
Contraception access is an economic issue. Fox News almost tells the truth about emergency contraception and then goes back to lying and Bill O’Reilly seriously has a problem with outspoken women.
A new Guttmacher Institute study shows that women use contraception to achieve economic and life goals, which runs up against conservatives who want to make this all about sex. But what if derailing women's goals is the entire point?
The War On Women is a conflict over the very question of the value of women as full human beings with rights to freedom and self-determination and respect. In times like these we need to find our inner Shero. You can be one of them.
An appellate court this week ruled that Illinois cannot force pharmacies or pharmacists to sell EC. The New York City Department of Education, meanwhile, is offering it to students. And ACOG recommends IUDs and Implants for teens.