The owners of the Chicago Bears fear that requiring the football team to furnish its employees contraception tramples upon their religious freedom. And they even have a song about it.
It's not surprising that a vaccine has no effect on adolescent sexual behavior. What is surprising is that fear of "sluttiness" is the number-one reason parents decide not to vaccinate their kids against HPV.
A study finds that the HPV vaccine doesn't lead to more sex; another confirms that women who stop using condoms when they start hormonal birth control and don't go back to condoms if they stop hormonal methods.
Pink ribbons do not help bring awareness to the socioeconomic inequities connected to breast cancer; they commodify the disease and make it “sexy” under the guise of raising awareness.
In a move of utter predictability, a major anti-choice website angrily denounces a strong, multi-year study that shows that contraception access reduces the abortion rate. Which is, of course, more consistent with hating on sex than any concern for preventing abortion.