While some have argued that opposition to a woman’s right to make decisions about her body is a legitimate religious freedom issue, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the religious freedom issue at stake in the abortion debate.
Proposed changes to Section 1557 announced Friday would eradicate protections in the Affordable Care Act for LGBTQ patients as well as access to reproductive care.
Many have argued that Trump is little more than a “scam artist” who has duped evangelicals into following him. But it’s the other way around: Trump didn’t use the religious right to win the presidency; the religious right used Trump to get what it wanted.
Obria Group sued the Trump administration last week, claiming current Title X requirements violate the anti-choice group's First Amendment rights and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
For decades, health-care providers have had the ability to decline to provide care that conflicts with their religious beliefs. The new HHS rule goes above and beyond legal precedent.
In continuing to oppose women's ordination the pope argues that something has to be revealed in order for it to be done; but that we don’t do it so it must not have been revealed. A cursory examination of change on Catholic views of the death penalty and usury make quick mincemeat of that argument. Revelation provides direction toward increased justice; it's not a checklist of historical givens.