Real-life individuals in same-sex couples, or those who live with someone of a different race or generation from themselves, often face daily struggles to protect their families from legal uncertainty and publicly articulated disgust.
Today we have a welcomed opportunity to celebrate the proactive leadership that several municipal bodies across the country are taking in support of women’s access to reproductive health care services.
Writing in the National Review Online, New posits that the clearest way to determine a person's opinions on whether abortion should remain legal is to examine whether or not that person believes premarital sex is immoral.
Good news for the women of Arizona; the fight to restore insurance coverage for safe abortion care; North Dakota court approves sex-ed program; and more.
Aaron Motsoaledi, South Africa's health minister, reported that 77,771 legal abortions were performed in 2011, a 31 percent increase over 2010. This statistic has rattled the country's growing anti-abortion movement, sending it into a frenzy of activity to roll back the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act passed 16 years ago.
It is hard to believe that the U. S House of Representatives actually voted to cut off Planned Parenthood altogether. These political attacks get plenty of attention. Meanwhile, in contrast, the Presbyterian Church I am blessed to serve wants to be sure that a woman’s health center, like Planned Parenthood, has a home.
On this episode of Reality Cast, I’ll be interviewing Tara Culp-Ressler about the surge of transvaginal ultrasound bills in the states. Also, more on the reaction to the contraception mandate clarification and a segment on why it’s important not to victim-blame Rihanna.