Ohio Pro-Life Action (OPLA) and Cincinnati Right to Life (CRTL) are trying to drive Ohio Right to Life out of existence in a power struggle over Medicaid expansion, heartbeat bans, and... donor funding.
St. Francis was a non-violent reformer who gave up inherited riches to live, work with, and advocate for the poor. With the new Pope, I am hoping that there is something in a name.
The Bloomberg Administration and NYC's Human Resources Administration have launched a campaign whose purpose seems to be shaming and stigmatizing teen mothers. But politicians and older generations are the ones who should be ashamed for their failures to provide meaningful sexual health education or to address the social conditions that lead to teen pregnancy.
Last week, clergy from across the state of Texas gathered at the capitol building in Austin to show their support for access to contraception. Clad in collars, stoles and other religious garb, they stood in the outdoor rotunda to call, publicly, for legislators to stop their ongoing attacks on Texans' freedom to choose when and whether to have children.