The president of Physicians for Reproductive Health responds to Ann Furedi’s spiked essay questioning the organization's decision to drop "choice" from its name.
This week, the Illinois senate took up a bill requiring that sex education be medically accurate, West Virginia took on teen sexting, and a new study suggested we may need to change our HPV messages if we want more women to get the vaccine.
HB 370 would let employers opt out of birth control coverage for employees in company health insurance plans if the employer finds birth control "immoral."
The North Carolina senate voted 38-10 Monday on a bill that will list abortion as one of the causes of preterm labor, despite a lack of medical research supporting the claim.
The administration will ask a federal appeals court to delay implementation of a rule lifting age and point-of-sale requirements so it can pursue more restrictions.
On this episode of Reality Cast, a lawyer from the Center for Reproductive Rights explains the latest developments in the fight to make Plan B available over-the-counter without age restrictions, anti-choicers react to the new Plan B regulations, and unsurprisingly they freak out over President Obama’s talk at Planned Parenthood.
Continuing to fight science and common sense on Plan B isn't serving anyone's interests. Pro-choicers are mad, anti-choicers aren't placated, and women are hurt in the process. So why does the Obama administration insist on keeping up this pointless fight?
It either hurts or feels like nothing. You don't know what to do, or what's wrong, and your partner is handling it really poorly. Here's some information and advice to the rescue.