Most Texans don't want a special session to pass anti-choice legislation. So why are Rick Perry and David Dewhurst pushing for it? Because the religious right controls the Republican primary system, and ultimately owns the politicians who come out of it.
On this episode of Reality Cast, I’ll have Jessica Luther reporting from the ground in Texas, where anti-choicers have pushed for a massive anti-abortion bill in a special session. More reporting on that bill, and another segment on how Ohio is trying to kill off affordable contraception.
This week, a new study showed a possible reason for the link between chlamydia and cervical cancer, UNAIDS found that seven African countries have reduced new HIV infection rates in children, and a Disney Channel show is set to feature a pre-schooler with two moms.
For Justice Samuel Alito, the Defense of Marriage Act and workplace discrimination cases represent the coming together of two very real threats to him: advancing equality in society and advancing equality in the workplace.