This week, a study tells us what new parents already know—your sex drive goes down with a newborn at home; new research suggests there is a lot more variation in the total number of days a woman is pregnant than we may have thought; and a woman in Paris offers male couples with infants her breastfeeding services.
"You should join us!" the founder of the anti-choice video group told Rewire at a "march on media" rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that saw 150 or so people.
As back-to-school season approaches, young girls are once again told by retailers not to bother with math—they should stick to things girls are good at, like shopping.
The Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit Thursday arguing the state's age and proof-of-identification requirements violate the state's constitution.
Now that the administration has finalized the rules related to contraception coverage, nonprofit religiously-affiliated entities are restarting their legal challenges.
The new law has rightly called attention to the widespread discrimination against LGBTQ individuals in Russia. And as the international community reacts—by dumping vodka and threatening to boycott the Olympic Games in Sochi—it's worth noting that some U.S. states have similar language on the books.
The shame and stigma around emergency contraception, and all reproductive health care for that matter, all too often deter those who need reproductive care the most from accessing it.