A state judge ruled Monday that age and identification requirements on the sale of emergency contraception passed by the Oklahoma legislature should be blocked.
Blaming clinics for their own harassment, making violent insinuations, giving a convicted terrorist a leadership position, railroading good doctors out of business, and claiming that 10-year-old rape victims are better off being forced to give birth: Welcome to the anti-choice movement of 2013.
When a federal judge ruled earlier this month that Elgin, Illinois, is permanently blocked from enforcing a provision of its zoning regulations that had blocked an anti-abortion "ultrasound bus," he did more than just open the possibility of more crisis pregnancy centers on wheels to pop up.
A new report from the National Women’s Law Center shows that although Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comment may have cost him an election, it hasn't stopped Republicans across the country from trying to legislate legal abortion out of existence.
A discussion of several hashtags that have been making their way around Twitter over the past week: #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, #BlackPowerIsForBlackMen, and #F*ckCisPeople.
Should Republican state Rep. Paul Wieland's lawsuit succeed, it would create precedent for other individuals to sue as a way to opt out of contraceptive coverage under Obamacare.
Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Monday that will protect the rights of transgender students, a move many LGBTQ activists hope will spur the passage of similar legislation in other states across the nation.
The American Life League has released the anti-Planned Parenthood equivalent of Reefer Madness, covering the themes of birth control and comprehensive sex education.