On this episode of Reality Cast, a representative from the Center for Reproductive Rights will be on to explain the new Plan B rules. I have another segment covering the victory, and the military is being investigated for its rape problem.
Virginia got a rush of bad coverage last year, when the term “transvaginal ultrasound” momentarily forced the nation to realize what a bunch of prurient misogynists had taken over the state government, but unfortunately the end result has been basically nothing.
On this episode of Reality Cast, Rickie Sollinger will be on to talk about her new book explaining reproductive rights. Will Saletan shows us the parts of Live Action’s video you didn’t take the hours to watch and Pat Robertson reminds us that the religious right is just plain sexist.
Just two months after the Supreme Court legalized abortion in the Roe v. Wade decision and a week after Illinois OKed the procedure on its soil, Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Mason (or T.R.M.) Howard began performing legal abortions at his Friendship Medical Center in Chicago.
I fear that a possible consequence of these Live Action videos may be a chilling effect on the free and open conversation between clinic staff and patients that is such an important part of abortion care.