A Trump appointee, Judge Jonathan Kobes, said an Arkansas police officer was justified in shooting a man in the back, even after a pat-down revealed the suspect was unarmed.
Black, brown, Indigenous, disabled, and low-income people have historically been victim to state-sanctioned forced sterilizations and reproductive coercion.
Joe Biden says he would restore LGBTQ rights lost under President Trump, but a truly transformative queer and trans political agenda isn’t merely about building protections onto an existing political structure.
The question of whether to show up to protests because of the potential risk is not a consideration that anyone should have to make—there is no reason that peaceful protesters should ever be attacked with chemicals.
It is not enough to say that we advocate for “culturally responsive” sex ed. We have to show that our sex education is as honest about racism as it is on any other topic.
Learning starts from birth, so whether you're a parent, guardian, educator, or caretaker, let’s work to expose our children to diversity and have conversations about race.