
Why Poland’s Proposed Abortion Ban is a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme for the Medical Establishment and a Death Sentence for Women

The Polish Parliament is considering a total ban on abortions, with no exceptions for the life of women. Meanwhile, women remain without access to safe, legal abortion even under current exceptions; abuse of conscience clauses to deny women both contraception and abortion is rampant; and the medical establishment is making millions off of clandestine illegal abortion.

Join the National Women’s Law center for a blog carnival on Birth Control on July 21!

On July 21, 2011, we’ll be hosting the “Birth Control: We’ve Got You Covered” blog carnival, featuring bloggers from across the net.  Women need access to birth control to prevent unintended pregnancies, plan the timing and size of their families and protect their health. Women know the preventive health benefits of birth control, but we also know the cost to stay on it throughout our childbearing years. Birth control can be expensive, and the high cost of birth control can affect whether women use it consistently.