If the personal is political, it seems it would extend that women’s own experiences with miscarriage would lead to sympathy for those facing similar losses. But as Bachmann talks about her miscarriage, she promotes policies that result in miscarriages of justice.
The Polish Parliament is considering a total ban on abortions, with no exceptions for the life of women. Meanwhile, women remain without access to safe, legal abortion even under current exceptions; abuse of conscience clauses to deny women both contraception and abortion is rampant; and the medical establishment is making millions off of clandestine illegal abortion.
Things get uglier in Kansas, but clinics and pro-choice organizations are fighting back. Lila Rose is, surprise surprise, not being honest. Phoebe Potts will discuss her new graphic novel about infertility.
There's one "little" detail in THE FAMiLY LEADER's "Marriage Vow" that critics have overlooked - small, subtle, and yet glaringly obvious once you see it: Simply stated, women who are unwilling to subordinate and sacrifice themselves to populate America’s economic and political war machine are selfish with a capital “I” - s.e.l.f.I.s.h.
Betty Ford’s tenure as First Lady was the last time in American politics someone in that role could inspire bi-partisan admiration—even while expressing her own political views. Her passing reminds us of what has been lost in our political culture.
A new law adds "gender identity or expresssion" to Connecticut's anti-discrimination laws. The law bans discrimination based on gender identity or expression in employment, housing, public accommodations, and credit.