The job of journalists is to investigate, ask follow-up questions, and exhibit skepticism about the claims of politicians. So why are so many journalists refusing to do their job when it comes to reproductive rights?
Before marrying Rick Santorum, Karen Santorum lived with a pro-choice Ob-Gyn 40 years her senior. Today, Santorum the candidate believes the government should be able to ban contraception and abortion, and criminalize extra-marital sex and gay sex among other things. The Senator’s fervent desire to deny the rest of us the sexual and reproductive choices that his own wife once enjoyed is breathtakingly hypocritical and cruel.
Jessica Valenti talks about her new documentary version of "The Purity Myth". A review of some comments made by candidates competing for the Iowa Caucus, and Michele Bachmann bows out of the race.
A new law passed in the dead of night by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff violates all women’s right to privacy by creating compulsory registration to control and monitor her reproductive life.
Sadly, only about a quarter of the relevant agencies have developed scientific integrity policies as required under White House guidelines and publicly released them.
To the FDA, the evidence is clear: Plan B is safe for women of all ages. Yet in a dangerous precedent, the Secretary overturned the decision based on pseudo-scientific concerns about misuse among younger adolescents.