Anyone, of any gender or any age, may not feel like it is best for them to choose to be sexual in a given situation, even when presented with an opportunity for sex, even when that opportunity is with someone they have a strong desire to have sex with.
I've written more than twenty books, but was startled by what I learned: you can raise the possibility of abortion, but it must be rejected. I hit a wall of resistance I believe is self-censorship on the part of the publishers. When a character is pregnant, whether from rape, incest, etc., so long as a baby is born, that's acceptable. The "Juno" scenario.
Governor Brownback , like a wolf in sheep's clothing, speaks about goals such as reducing childhood poverty while passing laws that actually deepen poverty throughout the state.
In the years ahead, Advocates will continue to be a dynamic leader in promoting the rights of youth to information, education, and services. I am deeply committed to our current, innovative work expanding adolescent access to contraception domestically and internationally; fighting homophobia in schools and communities across the United States; and using our policy work on the Hill and with the administration to advance the goals of our state and local partners.
Michael Kaufman tells us how to teach guys about feminism. Operation Rescue builds an overtly threatening website targeting abortion providers, and Anderson Cooper covers purity balls.
As President Obama and Rev. Sharpton entered The Kennedy Center, I got shivers down my spine. For, I could feel Saul Alinsky guiding them as they took their seats. There were these two men, trained in Alinsky’s methodology for achieving American justice, together to celebrate the life and work of another American justice-teacher, Dr. Martin Luther King, entering the President’s box.
Reporters are having a real hard time sorting out Mitt Romney's position on personhood. Here's a quick and easy way for journos to think about the issue, and Romney's evolving stance on it.