A practicing Catholic explains why he skipped a mass that would likely include a bishop’s letter about contraception and a defense of the Catholic Church's political battle over free birth control, and what his family did instead.
This week, the Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee heard the largest, most expansive abortion restriction bill in the nation. HB 2598 is a 68-page piece of legislation, that manages to cobble together many of the most extreme restrictions from abortion legislation currently under litigation in three other states. And yet when I stood up to oppose it, far-right legislators claimed I "went too far."
A report released today details how the public health emergency in eastern Burma continues to undermine the health and well being of millions of people affected by decades of war. Women in eastern Burma face the worst pregnancy outcomes anywhere in Asia, and access to contraception is virtually nonexistent.
Despite anti-discrimination legislation to protect the rights of sexual minorities in Venezuela, sexual orientation and gender identity remain taboo and sensitive issues, and gay men and lesbian women continue to face arbitrary arrest, detention and abuse.
Hanne Blank explains how heterosexuality has only existed for a little over a century. The attacks on contraception intensify, and the campaign season gets an noticeable surge of sexist blather.
An employee at a religiously-affiliated nonprofit writes about the challenges of getting her workplace to cover contraception to treat conditions like polycystic fibrosis and dysmenorrhea.
As a graduate of Georgetown University and advocate for women, I write to express my horror with the actions of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on the matter of contraceptive coverage and to ask you directly to initiate a conversation within the Georgetown community, as well as with the bishops who claim to speak on the behalf of women students, employees and our dependents.