Over the past few weeks, I've spoken with two young women who have shared intimate and heart-breaking stories with me about their time in Mercy Ministries, a residential treatment home for girls who face issues such as eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, depression and unplanned pregnancies, where the girls claim to have survived psychological abuse that left them worse off than when they entered the program.
For some reason, the right wing has decided to double down on attacks on contraception. Amanda surveys the damage. Katherine Stewart explains where the real attacks on religious liberty are coming from.
The image of five religious male officials testifying on women's health perfectly frames the assault on women's health. It is men dictating to women and deciding what's best. It is a particular religious view of conception imposing itself on women's health. And it needs to stop.
Foster Friess, Rick Santorum’s chief political benefactor and main donor to the Super PAC backing Rick Santorum’s presidential bid told Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC that women should just “keep their legs shut.”
According to Virginia Delegate David Englin doctors will be turned into criminals and women victims of a sex crime under the "object sexual penetration" law if Governor Bob McDonnell signs the state sanctioned rape bill. Mr. Englin plans to bring his case to the floor next week when the house debates the senate version of the bill.