For the past two years, the Etter Health Center at Shippensburg University, a small-town Pennsylvania school, has provided access to a vending machine that dispenses Plan B One-Step® (among other health products) to students at a cost of $25. While politicians and political elites continue to get their knickers in a twist over contraception, it is heartening to see some public health experts who just get it.
Weekly global roundup: A Tibetan Nun Self-Immolates; women's rights activists are detained in Zimbabwe; gay rights under threat in Peru; and IPPF asks if we have failed at women's empowerment and development.
The Honduras Supreme Court has upheld the country’s absolute ban on emergency contraception, which would criminalize the sale, distribution, and use of the “morning-after pill” — imposing punishment for offenders equal to that of obtaining or performing an abortion, which in Honduras is completely restricted.
Republicans denouncing the requirement that female employees have access to birth control as part of their health benefits use "religious freedom" as their focal point, but completely ignore the church teachings they don’t agree with. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich both wear their faith on their sleeves, but are hypocritical in picking and choosing when they wish to listen to the bishops.
On the past couple of weeks the major cable networks invited nearly twice as many men as women to discuss the fight for contraceptive coverage. So here are five big facts on birth control not nearly enough discussed by men in the mainstream media.
Freedom of conscience” is code for “the right to enforce conformity amongst religious women.” Actual freedom is about having a choice. The Church and its supporters want to monopolize freedom and choice for themselves while taking those things away from their employees and congregations.