At a Vatican conference on infertility last week, Pope Benedict XVI railed against reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization. This attack on reproductive technologies is yet another display of the Vatican’s lack of empathy and understanding and a vain attempt to hold back scientific development as well as impede access to reproductive technologies for couples around the world.
The right gets even more hysterical in attacks on contraception, going so far as to imply that Planned Parenthood invented sex. Rebecca Hains explains the pros and cons of "girl power".
Conservatives are now claiming religious liberty gives them the right to dock their employee's compensation package for having differing beliefs about contraception. Four reasons why that argument won't fly.
It looks like the South Dakota legislature has built upon its last unconstitutional, litigated piece of anti-choice legislation and in its infinite wisdom passed an even more egregious piece of anti-choice legislation.
Whether related to the topic of contraception or not, the “Obamacare” contraceptive boogey man serves its function as a multi-purpose political tool in red state debates. In Kansas right now, there are different so-called conscience bills pending across red state America.
The prosecution of drug use in pregnant women does nothing to fulfill a legitimate policy goal and in fact seems to be racially motivated—at least in the implementation—rather than spurred by a concern for children.