
Pope Says Couples Who Conceive Through In-Vitro Fertilization Are Guilty Of Arrogance

At a Vatican conference on infertility last week, Pope Benedict XVI railed against reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization. This attack on reproductive technologies is yet another display of the Vatican’s lack of empathy and understanding and a vain attempt to hold back scientific development as well as impede access to reproductive technologies for couples around the world.

The Great Sex Invention Conspiracy

The right gets even more hysterical in attacks on contraception, going so far as to imply that Planned Parenthood invented sex. Rebecca Hains explains the pros and cons of "girl power".

Virginia Proposal Mandating Ultrasound Before Abortion Debated

Insurance Coverage of Birth Control: It’s Not About Religious Freedom

We hold as a denomination the belief that health care is a basic right and part of that includes ensuring access for women to contraception. This is about the common good.