As we hold our breath to see how the Court will decide the fate of the ACA, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the importance of health care reform for women living with HIV and affected by HIV.
Tonight's 16 & Pregnant will feature an abortion storyline. Use hashtag #16andloved to show support and solidarity to Brittany, Briana and their family.
We must seize this opportunity to promote a truly science-based, holistic, HIV prevention strategy for young people in the U.S. and abroad. In the end, it is young people who hold the key to ending this epidemic. That's why they should be at the center, not the periphery, of our programs and policies.
When clients come to the Downtown Planned Parenthood Clinic in Austin, Texas, they're coming to get what they've always gotten: contraception, cancer screenings and STI tests. But what they're getting, if they're on the newly defunded Medicaid Women's Health Program, is bad news: Planned Parenthood can't see them any more.
The Arkansas Supreme Court recently over-ruled a law prohibiting teachers from having sex with students over 18. With this decision, age once again takes center stage when the more important questions are about the relationship itself.