
A Message to Legislators: You Deny We Have Rights

This speech was given at the WomenUnite Rally in Washington, DC on April 28, 2012, one of 53 events that took place in 45 cities around the country. The marches recieved little or no national coverage, despite the fact that thousands of people participated in a grassroots movement of more than 50 events co-ordinated by volunteers in fewer than 10 weeks.

He-Men, Virginity Pledges, and Bridal Dreams: Obama Administration Quietly Endorses Dangerous Ab-Only Curriculum

Thirty years of public health science clearly demonstrates that providing young people with information about the health benefits of both abstinence and contraception and condoms, does not cause young people to initiate sex earlier or have sex more often. Abstinence-only-until marriage programs leave young people unprepared. They are unethical.