What does it take to find a female candidate the SBA List will be willing to endorse? It turns out it helps if she knows little about policies affecting women.
Mother's Day has a way of making everyone feel like an outsider. This brunch-y, kid friendly version of Mother's Day, creates the feeling that there is some elusive "right way" to celebrate and be celebrated. We want to flip that.
On April 26th Canada’s Parliament debated M-312, a motion that calls for the formation of a special committee of Parliament to review whether the definition of a “human being” as described in the Canadian criminal code can be extended to unborn fetuses.
Explaining how "an abortion bill" ended up derailing a piece of special legislation in the state, a Mississippi television station leaves out some details.
Weekly global roundup: a revised family code in Mali oppresses women further; Fawzia Koofi makes waves in Afghanistan and worldwide; Venezuela wrestles with a stubborn maternal mortality rate; and a call for more midwives in Zambia.
In late February, California Sen. Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego) introduced a bill in the state Senate that would allow nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), and nurse midwives (CNMs) to provide first trimester aspiration abortion care. Sen. Kehoe withdrew the bill Friday because it lacked enough votes to pass a key legislative committee.