Forty percent of adults ages 18-29 don't really believe birth control matters, and you'll get pregnant when fate decrees. They're underestimating their fertility and the effectiveness of contraception. The real question is why?
Gabe Arana talks gay marriage and ex-gay therapy. The war on women cover-up is not going well, and "Girls" balances humor with accurate sexual health information.
In all the debate about breastfeeding and parenting, I know some choices will work for some mothers and not for others. But it is critical that as a society, we have the policies and infrastructure in place to support those decisions.
Hyatt Hotels, a global corporation, has been engaging in its own war on women... their own workers. This Mama’s Day, I want to recognize an incredible group of women who are fighting back to demand better treatment for themselves and their co-workers.
All moms deserve the kind of quality, affordable care that I was lucky enough to receive while pregnant and postpartum, and Obamacare is working to make that dream a reality.
All this burning of fossil fuels ends up in our lungs, or in the sky warming our planet. I growl at the statistics. My blood boils at seeing mostly kids of color wheezing in the emergency room right alongside of us. We need a big transition.