
Sexual Health Roundup: School to Give Out Condoms at Prom and Studies Look at Loud Music and MTV Shows

Sexual Health Roundup: A Brooklyn high school agrees to distribute condoms at the prom though the company sponsoring it found no other takers; a study finds that whether you see MTV's 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom as cautionary tales or unfortunate glamorizations has to do with what your parents taught you about sex; and another study out of the Netherlands finds that Tipper Gore was right—young people who listen to loud music engage in other risky behaviors.


Utah Lawmaker Proposes Sex Ed for Parents (For All the Wrong Reasons)

Utah State Senator Stuart Reid (R-Ogden) is proposing legislation that would offer sexuality education to parents and then allow parents to choose whether their children receive similar education in school.  Before you start applauding know that his ultimate goal is to see more young people “opted out” of sexuality education in Utah schools.