Scott Walker decries abortion and violence against children, but his budget prorities have included deep cuts in services for violence prevention, child security, reproductive health, and women's rights.
Serial terrorist attacks in Georgia start looking very serious indeed. The Senate considers lifting the ban on funding of abortion for raped soldiers. Also, can the BDSM community come to terms with sexual abuse within its ranks?
It's commonly claimed that it's a Christian duty to abolish abortion, in accordance with a Biblical teaching that abortion is a sin. However, one Christian's reading of the Bible poses challenges to that assumption, instead turning up some eye-opening Biblical views on terminating a pregnancy.
PRENDA was the legislative equivalent of a troll writing, “Have you considered that HALF of fetuses aborted are FEMALE?”, before high-fiving himself for finally achieving the rhetorical chops necessary to flunk high school composition.
We in North Carolina are enduring yet another vicious attack on the rights of pregnant and childbearing individuals. Women seeking home births may have the legal right to do so, but just like the women seeking abortion care, these laws do nothing to protect access.
The Romney campaign is out with a new ad talking about Ann Romney’s Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis and her ‘soul mate’ Mitt’s reaction and subsequent handling of her chronic illness. Unfortunately it doesn’t say a word about what ‘President’ Romney would do for people with the illness. Not. One. Single. Word.