Although a large portion of the GOP expressed concerns that the nominee may be favorable to reproductive rights, a handful of Republicans joined with Democrats to let the process continue.
The ACLU, in conjunction with a group of retired military leaders and veterans, launched a new ad campaign today targeting the Department of Defense’s ban on servicewomen using their insurance to pay for abortion services if they become pregnant as the result of rape or incest.
The bottom line: State policies undermine women’s health and decision-making if they do not give women a true portrayal of the medical information they need for the situation they are in.
VAWA. PRENDA. Aderholt. What do all these words (and acronyms) have in common? They represent the escalating attacks on the health and rights of women of color, and immigrant women in particular.
Sexual Health Roundup: A Mississippi mandate for sexuality education means that school districts have to choose between and abstinence-only or an abstinence-based approach by the end of the month; a survey by the Human Rights Campaign finds that LGBT teens are less happy than their straight peers; and a new condom company promises that for every condom sold it will donate one condom to women in regions with high HIV rates.
The race to replace Democratic Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords may act as much as a bellweather of the 2012 election as the Wisconsin recall did -- for better or for worse.